Cod Fish Tacos
These fish tacos were my very first experience with fish that I didn’t hate. Cod is a very mild fish, and although it is one of the less nutrient-dense options (its omega-3 fatty acid levels pale in comparison to fish like salmon, mackerel, anchovies, and sardines), it can be a good gateway fish for hesitant eaters.
This is truly less of a recipe than a technique because I’m a big believer in taking creative license with recipes and using what is in your own fridge and pantry. But for those who like to color inside the lines, what I have outlined below is how I usually prepare mine.
A few important notes before you jump to the recipe, though.
1.) If you live inland, as we do here in Iowa, always, always, always buy frozen ocean fish. The fish that you see that is thawed at the meat counter was previously frozen, just like the fish available to you in the freezer. It will taste fresher if you buy it frozen and thaw it yourself.
This brings me to point number two…
2.) Thaw fish by removing it from its packaging and allowing it to sit, covered, in the fridge overnight (or at room temperature for several hours if you aren’t a plan-a header and need it that day). Fish thaws quickly, so don’t just leave it sitting out all nasty-like all day.
3.) Once the fish is thawed, rinse it with cold water and pat it dry.
If you follow these tips, your fish will be much less fishy, I promise!
So, on to the recipe.

Cod Fish Tacos
- Prep your toppings. Sometimes I do all of these things, sometimes I only do some of them.
- If you are going with corn tortillas to wrap them (you can also do a lettuce or cabbage wrap and it’s just as good)* take this time to warm your tortillas up in the same skillet you will use to cook your fish (less dishes, you’re welcome). You can use a little avocado oil if you want to lightly fry them, but beware that they will become brittle as they sit, so if you do that, plan to keep them warm in the oven.
- Heat a skillet up on medium high with some avocado oil. If you drop water into the skillet, it should bead up instantly – this is your cue that the skillet is ready.
- Coat the fish with the Fish Coating Blend.
- Put the fish in the hot skillet – USE A SPLATTER SCREEN. Or don’t. It’s your funeral.
- Cook the cod for about 3 minutes on each side, less if you like it less well-done, more if you like it more well-done. That’s how cooking works.
- Assemble your tacos and eat up!
*Check post for additional tips about the fish.
*You don’t have to use any sort of wrap for this. You can just eat the fish naked and it’s just as good. And by naked, I mean leave the fish un-cloaked in any sort of carrying device. I don’t mean eat your meal in the nude, though, if you choose to do this, you have my full support